Natural Remedies For the Common Cold

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'Tis cold and flu season, unfortunately, and ladies… I know that between the holidays, the wedding prep, and everything else you have goin' on right now, there simply isn't really time to be sick. So I wanted to provide you with some of my favorite holistic remedies for fighting off colds and the flu, so that even if you do get hit, you can get to work right away supporting your incredible immune system to, hopefully, reduce the severity of your illness and recover faster!

I'm also a huge fan of preventative care during flu season — I wash my hands a LOT (have you ever watched someone sneeze into their hand and them immediately grab the door handle of the store you’re heading towards? ew.), I make sure to stay hydrated, and I prioritize rest if I start to feel even the slightest hint of something coming on. And on that note, if we want to look for the positive in getting sick… it’s a great opportunity to get tuned in, listen to your body, and give it what it needs. I’m not a big believer in “powering through” sickness and I really do feel that when we get sick, it’s our body’s way of telling us it needs a little break; of asking us to slow down and rest. Powering through — unless it’s really really necessary to do so — feels a little bit disrespectful to the message that our body is clearly trying to send us.

So! If you wake up one morning with the dreaded sore throat, aching head, and drippy nose, please heed the call and slow it down. Rest. I know it’s not easy to allow yourself to do this, especially when you’ve got so much going on, but I encourage you to make it your top priority.

And here are 7 additional all-natural remedies for the common cold:

  1. Nutrient dense foods

    A nutrient dense diet, year round — filled with the vitamins, minerals, + nutrients that allow us to thrive — does wonders for the immune system. So when you’re sick, this becomes even more important. It can be really tempting to order in comfort foods and snack on chips all day long, but know that nutrient dense (whole, unprocessed, properly prepared) foods will serve your body so much more. Keep in mind that digestion takes a lot of energy, so keep your food intake on the lighter side so that this energy can be allotted to your immune system instead.

  2. Gentle movement

    ONLY IF YOU CAN. This is important. Please do not force yourself to go to the gym when you have no energy and feel like total crap. But, if you can, try some gentle movement like at home yoga, stretching, or going for a light walk. Keeping your body moving, even just a little, feels so good when you’re spending much of the day on the couch.

  3. Raw honey

    Raw honey is chock full of minerals, antibacterial properties, + antioxidants, and it’s also super soothing on a sore throat. Have it in your tea or even in just a cup of hot water a couple times a day.

  4. Oregano oil

    I swear by this stuff when I start to feel something coming on. I do about 7 drops of food grade oregano oil in a (tiny) splash of orange juice for a couple of days in a row, and more often than not it never develops into a real cold. But even if it does, I still like to take the oregano oil to shorten the duration — it’s essentially an all natural antiviral treatment.

  5. Ginger

    The all purpose cold killer? Fresh ginger helps with nausea, can help with headaches and low fevers, and can also be extremely beneficial for sinus congestion. I’ll often make a tea with fresh ginger root, lemon, a splash of apple cider vinegar, and raw honey.

  6. Garlic

    Our ancestors innately understood the healing powers of garlic, and they were not wrong. Garlic is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, and antibiotic, and can be a powerhouse against illness. If you can stomach it, mince up a clove of raw garlic, throw it in a small glass of water, and chug it down. (Personally, I’ve never been able to force it down this way… so props to you if you can do it!)

  7. Bone Broth

    Oh, bone broth. What can’t you do? Yet another incredibly powerful food and form of medicine that our ancestors valued so highly, bone broth has made a resurgence in recent years, and for good reason. High quality bone broth (made from pastured poultry or grass fed beef) is loaded with bioavailable (easily absorbed) vitamins, minerals, and amino acids — all of which hugely support our immune system. It’s also great for when you don’t have much of an appetite but want to ensure you’re getting in the nutrients your body needs.

While I advise incorporating some (or all!) of these into your life if you’ve come down with a cold or the flu, know that all of these tips can act as preventative care as well. It’s super important to support your immune system not only while others around you are sick, but also while you’re dealing with the added stress of the holidays AND wedding planning. I hope that these help you stay extra healthy this year!

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