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The Blissful Bride Method

Treat your body with care, nourish it, rest it, and learn to listen to its signals. In doing so, you’ll discover what works for your unique make-up.




My approach is simple. Whole, real, nutrient-dense food nourishes the body; processed, manipulated, sugar-laden “food” does not. When the body is nourished, it functions optimally; when the body is malnourished, it under-performs. I want to encourage you to shift your mindset from a place of deprivation to one of empowerment - from “I’m not allowed to eat that” to “that doesn’t make me feel good, and I genuinely have no interest in it.”




Wellness isn’t just about what you eat and drink and how much you exercise. It’s about taking care of yourself fully — body, mind, and soul. Implementing mindfulness practices supports both your emotional & physical wellbeing during this heightened time, allowing for less stress and anxiety, and more clarity, patience, joy, presence, and gratitude.



design and align

It’s so incredibly impactful to hone in on your aligned vision for your wellness, your wedding, and this next chapter of your life. When you have a crystal clear vision, that truly reflects YOU, it becomes effortless to make the choices that support that vision. Design the vision, align your words + actions… and watch in awe as everything begins to fall into place with more ease than you ever thought possible.


By being patient with yourself, staying curious, celebrating your wins and learning from your missteps, you will learn how to nourish yourself from the inside out.

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You deserve to feel and look your best on your wedding day & beyond.

I understand the pressures of the wedding day. You’re the star of the show, and you want to feel confident, beautiful, and comfortable in your own skin. The last thing you need is to be self-conscious about the way you look or to feel less than your best.

This quest for “perfection” can so easily cloud your enjoyment of this exciting time. But what if you could, instead, view this as the perfect opportunity to really take stock of how you feel, to prioritize self care, and to form new healthy habits?

The benefits of implementing whole body wellness - weight loss, glowing skin, healthy hair & nails, reduced inflammation and bloating, increased energy, better sleep, improved stress handling, mental clarity, and more - will set you up for the wedding day of your dreams and a healthy married life ahead.

I can’t wait to meet you!
