How To Plan A Healthy Wedding

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I work with my (incredible) clients to help them infuse wellness into their weddings — from their engagement, to the big day, and beyond.

You might be wondering: what does a “wellness infused wedding” even mean? And why are people desiring to plan their weddings in this way?

For me, it means a lot of different things. It means taking real, good care of your body via what you put into it — so that you can feel energized, present, and at home in your own skin as you plan to enter a brand new chapter of your life. It means discovering + valuing a newfound mindfulness in the way you make decisions — something you do a whole heck of a lot of while wedding planning. It means setting yourself up with the self care practices that noticeably help you reduce stress + anxiety. ⁣It means having the tools and ability to get back into real alignment with what matters most to you, so that your wedding day can be a true reflection of that.

I guess I could summarize all of these things by saying that planning a wellness infused wedding means honoring your own needs + supporting yourself first and foremost. At a time when stress and overwhelm can so easily take over and cloud your judgement, this is really about hitting the pause button for a moment, checking in with yourself in an honest way, and moving forward from a place of integrity and clarity.

Because while it might sound silly to some people — your wedding is just one little day of your life, after all — when you rush through the process, check things off your list frantically just to “get things done,” and forget to check in with whether or not this big + expensive event you’re planning is one you’d even be excited to be at…. you miss out on such an incredible opportunity to use this time as a jumping off point for what the entire next chapter of your life could look and feel like.

… It’s for all of these reasons that the wedding industry and those working in it are beginning to shift, and that many brides-to-be are beginning to reconsider what matters most to them during this time. Is it really about all the teeny tiny (and stressful) details that people may or may not even notice when all is said and done? Is it really about the color of the tablecloths and going on a crazy hunt for the exact candlesticks you saw on Pinterest?

Or - could it perhaps be more about taking this time to feel really freaking good in your body, learning how to take care of yourself in a way that allows you to approach the entire process with joy and excitement, and setting the tone for how you want to show up in your life moving forward?

If your vote goes to the second option, then you’re in the right place. Below are some really simple things to consider implementing if you’re looking to plan a wellness infused wedding:

  1. Eat a whole foods, nutrient rich diet.

    Avoid processed foods, limit foods with refined sugar, and limit or remove other inflammatory foods (like, for many, gluten.) Eating whole foods from nature that are high in the nutrients our bodies need in order to thrive is the best way to begin to bring your body back into balance — and to begin to feel brighter, clearer, leaner, and more confident in your own skin.

  2. Start incorporating a mindfulness practice into your daily routine, even if just for 5 minutes a day.

    This looks different for everyone; maybe it’s 5 minutes of meditation, or of gentle yoga, or going for a quick walk to clear your head. Whatever helps you feel more present, grounded, and centered. And then, make your important decisions from this state of mind.

  3. Keep your blinders on.

    Meaning, remember that how you feel comes first. This is your day - not anybody else’s. So stay strong in your opinions + values, and do your best to let the rest go.

Ready to become the glowing bride you DESERVE to be? Then I’m ready to guide you there. Take a look at the different ways we can work together here!

Curious to learn more & see if bridal nutrition is right for you? Schedule a FREE clarity call and let’s chat about it!

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Hanna Sender