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Does this sound familiar?

THe wedding is fast approaching and I don’t look the way i wanted to

Somehow the weeks just starting flying, right?! You could have sworn you had more time… and now the wedding is just around the corner! Not to worry, girl. I designed this package exactly with you in mind. We can accomplish so much in just 4 weeks — and I’ll be here every step of the way to make sure I’m offering you all the support, guidance, and accountability you need in the home stretch.

i’m getting anxious + stressed about how i’m going to feel on the big day

I hear you! You know you want to feel your very best… but maybe you aren’t quite sure how to do that, and you don’t have time for guesswork. I’ve heard some not-so-fun stories about headaches, hangovers, and totally out of control nerves and believe me — I do not want that for you on what should be the best day of your life. We’re going to make sure you have a meals, mindfulness, and movement plan in place to ensure you feel healthy, energized, and totally present.

i don’t know what to eat the day of the wedding to feel + look my best

This is such a common one, and for good reason! You don’t want to feel bloated and over-full, and you also don’t want to feel starving and light-headed. Thankfully — there is a way to both enjoy your rehearsal dinner and morning-of breakfast and feel lean and radiant as you get ready and take your pictures. And that’s where I come in: to create a night before and day-of meal + mindfulness plan for you so you don’t even have to worry about it.

i’m worried i won’t feel confident with all the attention on me

It’s nerve-wracking being the star of the show… and things are really starting to feel REAL! I totally understand. But here’s the thing: when you feel really good in your body, it’s reflected on the outside. In our 4 weeks together we will implement important + impactful changes that will allow you to feel better than ever in your own skin, so that you can walk down the aisle with total radiance and confidence.

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Actually showing up as the best + brightest version of yourself on your wedding day — the version you’ve been dreaming of for months and months.

Learning how to effectively manage stress + overwhelm so you can tackle the day-of jitters and be totally present.

Feeling lean, clear headed, and totally comfortable in your own skin as you walk down the aisle, take your photos, do your first dance… all of it!

Finally getting clear on exactly what your body needs in order to thrive + feel better than ever.


You know deep down that you are capable of achieving this, and you know how greatly this will impact the way you show up as the glowing bride you desire to be.

The thought of feeling beautiful, vibrant, and healthier than ever is incredibly exciting and empowering, but you just aren’t sure how to make it happen and the clock is ticking…


In our very hands-on 4 weeks together, you will gain total clarity around your wedding wellness goals, and I’ll hold you accountable to achieving them. You will have the support, guidance, and tools you need to help you step into the best + brightest version of yourself in time for the big day!


What to Expect


By breaking down the confusion and eliminating the overwhelm, I’ll help you form positive and long lasting healthy habits that will allow you to feel + look exactly the way you’re dreaming of on the big day.

  • We’ll do a full audit of your current lifestyle + diet

  • We’ll say farewell to the foods that are clearly not serving you, as well as add in new & delicious foods that support your body and that’ll help you look and feel better than ever.

  • We’ll put a stress-relief, mindset, and mindfulness plan in place — tools you can pick up and utilize whenever you need them.

  • We’ll get just a little woo-woo and talk about just how much power you actually have over creating the version of yourself you desire.

  • We’ll ensure you have a long term plan of action so you’re totally set up for success when the program ends.



  • weekly 60 minute sessions (virtual)

  • Unlimited Email + voxer Support between sessions

  • Food Journal Review

  • Personalized Food + Lifestyle Action Plan

  • rehearsal dinner plan of action

  • wedding day morning routine + meal plan

  • high value resource library

  • option to add fiancé

    (Couples who make lifestyle shifts together - shop together, cook together, keep each other motivated - are unstoppable.)



Working with Hanna not only got me physically and mentally exactly where I wanted to be for my wedding, but gave me the tools for maintaining lasting health. Life takes its twists and turns, but Hanna has given me the knowledge to utilize nutrition as a way of keeping stable and healthy through all the transitions.
— Kenna T
Hanna’s guidance not only helped transform me into the bride I always dreamed of being, she also educated me and empowered me to make lifestyle changes that will stick with me for life! I am so glad I found her. She truly made this potentially stressful experience beyond blissful!
— Morgan G

We’ll be a perfect fit if:

You are excited about upleveling your wellness in order to feel and look better than ever before.

You want to feel lighter and more energized, and finally be at the weight you’re happy with.

You’re committed to enjoying the rest of your engagement with reduced stress, anxiety, + overwhelm.

You are ready to say goodbye to deprivation, and you never want to go on another diet again.

You know that you deserve to look and feel your absolute best on your wedding day.

You recognize the importance + value in investing in yourself to see and feel massive results.

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Do you have questions about working together?

